
pouco nublado
pouco nublado
vento NE 4 nós
humidade 88%



Capelo Capelinhos


Duration: 3 hours, Length: 8 Km, Difficulty level: Medium

Departure: Near Capelo’s Park, Trupes, Cabeço Verde Road

Arrival: Capelinhos Interpretative Centre


Throughout this trail you may appreciate a great ecologic and geologic diversity that characterizes the Natural Park. During this walk, you will cover some of the old volcanic cones responsible for the formation of Capelo’s peninsula, well visible on the alignment Caldeira-Capelinhos (Volcanic Complex of Capelo). Not far from the beginning of the trail, it is possible to enjoy the landscape view from over the Cabeço do Fogo (East), the center of the first historical eruption of Faial island (1672) and old associated lava flows, that reached the North and South coast, the central volcano of Caldeira and also the Morro de Castelo Branco. In the North one can distinguish the areas of Norte Pequeno, Fajã and Praia do Norte, formerly affected by historic volcanism and seismic phenomena’s (eruption of Cabeço do Fogo in 1672/73 and the earthquake at Capelo, in 1958).


Source: Regional Secretariat for Natural Resources Remarks: for better understanding the trails, we suggest the purchase of the Faial Nature Park Guide.